
Water & Wastewater

At OEI, we believe that water is the world’s most important resource. Our team works to assess existing water supplies, research the cost of water and design treatment, storage, and distribution systems. OEI also has the capability of designing innovative water and wastewater systems like reverse osmosis and membrane bioreactor systems (MBR). Apart from the services below, our engineers also design wastewater treatment facilities as well as sewer collection systems, offering various lift station design options.

How It Works

There are two types of water: groundwater and surface water. Groundwater comes from water wells that are developed and drilled into aquifers. The water is brought up to the surface and via a series of pumps, pipelines and booster stations, it arrives at storage facilities. Groundwater that does not meet primary and secondary water quality requirements must be treated and undergo a process which brings the water to potable standards to meet regulations for human consumption. Next, the water goes into a ground, elevated, or hydropneumatic storage tank, which our team designs and manages the installiation of.

Not only is our team capable of designing intricate water systems, but we can acquire the necessary permits from the TCEQ that make execution possible. We serve as the liaison between the city and the contractors, and we have a team of licensed water and wastewater operators who afford us the ability to work side-by-side with our clients. In addition, our team also provides consultation to assist in acquiring capital funds.

Water Specialties


Wastewater Treatment Design

Treatment & Operation Optimization

Lift Stations

Collection System Design

Reuse Planning and Design

System Modeling

Water System

Water Treatment System Design

Reverse Osmosis Systems

Utility Distribution Design and Relocation

Advanced Treatment System Design

System Modeling

On-Site Operations Group



TCEQ Compliance Monitoring

Certified RO Operators

Water Supply

Surface Water

Groundwater Development

Oilfield Development

Groundwater Well Design

Large Diameter Pipe Design

Condition Assessment

Groundwater Geology


Site Selection, Permits & Planning

Type I & IV AE Landfills

Phase I & II Site Assessments

Environmental Impact Statements

Geological Investigation

Hydrology & Hydraulics

Stormwater Drainage Design & Studies

Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans

Erosion & Sediment Control

Detention Pond Design

404 Permits

HEC-RAS Analysis

Speciality Services

Water Rights Negotiation

Regulatory Compliance Mediation


Rate Analysis & Rate Structure

Master Planning

SCADA Design


Treatment System Optimization

Wellfield System Optimization

Project and Program Management

Construction Management

Water Storage Tanks

Elevated Storage Tanks

Ground Storage Tanks

Condition Assessment

Have A Challenge? We Have Answers

We at OEI would love to talk to you more about your needs. Please email us below and an OEI
representative will contact you.